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Community Support

Community Support Program

Happy Fish Trave support several private initiatives that are working for the natural resources and the wildlife conservation by different ways. One of them is with direct economical support to their programs and other one is by bringing our clients to these projects to see what they are doing in order to learn about their experiences. With these visits we support indirectly they work with the entrance fees and tours and invite to our customers to make donations.

Happy Fish Travel has a strong leadership in Guatemala regarding Educational Travel.

In all our Educational Travel Programs (ETP) we include visits to local schools in remote and poor areas of Guatemala, in order to promote a Cultural Exchange between the foreign students and the local ones. By this way, both groups get real impressions about their realities and help the students to create better global relationships between races, creeds, ethnicities and cultures.

Normally we invite to the visitors to bring small presents for the local students and the school, and the local ones prepares with their limited resources and Happy Fish Travel support, special activities such as soccer games, pick nicks, traditional games, reforestation programs, classroom’s painting, etc.

In many of the cases, the foreign schools organize fund raisings and give donation to the facility chosen by Happy Fish Travel. During the last 4 years, Happy Fish Travel has selected and been working with the small and poor school of in Proyect Ak-Tenamit de Rio Tatin. All our last groups had visited this school and with the different donations, the Proyect Board of Directors has been able to build better and new facilities for the students, helping by this way to create better conditions for the community.

For the next years, we are working with the school with a new project for build a cafeteria and a library for the students.